Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gilbert Hsiao, Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston, TX, September 12-October 31, 2009

Click here for GIlbert Hsiao
Click here for Gallery Sonja Roesch

Gilbert Hsiao’s work explores the mechanics of visual perception. The viewer perceives oscillation through the illusion of a continuous wave produced by the physiological experience of space and movement. Meticulously layered stripes in tightly woven structures create a musical rhythm and repose.

To determine the final form of the work, Hsiao considers the shape and the proportions of the painting’s support as a method of organizing pictorial space. The result is a continuously moving surface, which is reinforced through the shape of the painting. Metallic and fluorescent paint is applied with a vintage compressor less sprayer, creating a textured surface that makes these paintings an absorbing experience whether viewed close up or from a distance.

(from the press release of the exhibtion)

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